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Security Hardware COVID-19 Update 05/01/2021

Business as Usual - Security Hardware will continue to support our customers throughout the latest National lockdown in January 2021.

Following a letter published by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy ( BEIS ) on the 24th Dec in which he clarifies the position around Tier 4 lockdown:

‘I want to be clear that, as before, firms and tradespeople in the construction sector and its supply chain, including merchants, suppliers and product manufacturers, can continue to operate in Tier4 ’ . Clearly we will follow government guidance but the direction of travel seems clear ‘Keep Construction Going’.

Under strict guidelines, we are still only accepting a maximum of 2 customers in our trade counter at any one time, all of which must follow our guidelines on social distancing of 2 metres per person, as well as respecting the cleanliness of our property. For those queueing outside, we ask them to also maintain a 2 metre distance and form orderly queues along the side of our trade counter.

We have installed barriers and marking points for where customers should stand when visiting our trade counter, as well as shield/screens for our trade counter to reduce contact with another person. Cleaning equipment will be used by all staff regularly to maintain an effective level of cleanliness and ensure of safety for both customers and employees, as well as PPE including masks where possible. At your own discretion, we welcome all customers to wear their own PPE including masks, gloves etc. to help ease any concerns regarding your own personal safety.

If anyone is found to not follow these rules, service will be refused and we will ask whoever this may be to leave the property with immediate effect.

Where possible, we are asking customers to place orders online for either delivery or where possible, local Click & Collect from our trade counter. The safety of both our customers and our employees is paramount in these current global circumstances and we want everyone to know that we are doing all we can to ensure of safety upon our re-opening.

Thank you for your support and we appreciate your understanding during these uncertain times. Any further updates can be found at this post and the most recent date at the header of this page.

Kind Regards

Security Hardware Ltd